Friday, June 5, 2020

Top 5 tips for foreign investors in South Florida

Since 2006, the fluctuations in the United States real estate market have been focusing around South Florida, transforming it into one of the top investment opportunities in the US. Taking this into consideration, many foreign investors have seen this area and its surroundings as the perfect opportunity to secure their assets and produce an extra income. However, the investment process involves some steps that might become a little more complex for non-native property owners. That is why, if you’re a foreigner, we want to share 5 tips for you, to help you start your journey in South Florida’s real estate business.



  1. Be realistic: some marketing professionals might try to sell the luxury + bargain image (90,000$ beachfront apartments, for example), when in reality those expectations are far apart from the actual projection of the market. To develop a successful business in Miami, foreign investors must be aware of the fact that any contract that is worth the cash, will be closed within a week or so. To see results in terms of 5 to 10 years, being willing to invest realistically (however obvious it might seem) is essential.


  1. If possible, work with corporations: investing under the name of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Corporation simplifies the tax payment process and the inheritance procedures in a long-term period. Otherwise, the tax rate for a non-native owner, in case of any extraordinary event, would be too high. These corporations can be foreign, domestic, or might even be presented in the form of a trust fund.


  1. Be aware of the bureaucratic proceedings: even though the process in the United States has proven to be pretty simple, there are certain requirements for foreigners and non-residents. Some of them, like the TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number), imply a bit of a procedure (filing an application and providing all the ID specifications: passport, driver’s license, birth certificate, then sending it to the respective offices, etc.).


  1. Find the best professionals: for the completion of the previous step it is necessary to have experts, such as US Tax attorneys, Real Estate attorneys, accountants, brokers, and buyers who are committed to your business and watch over your safety.


  1. Ask Questions: once you have found the best possible team, be prepared to ask some of the following questions: What if I carry out other businesses in the US? Is there some type of tax alliance between my country of origin and the US? These might be very helpful for you and the professionals that guide you.


In South Florida, we keep these 5 tips at the top of our heads. We are prepared to receive you, answer all of your questions and guide you through your investing process! Contact us!